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Help desk techs are owed overtime pay

Many managers assume that salaried employees are exempt from overtime pay, but this is not necessarily true. According to U.S. labor laws, many support techs may be due for overtime compensation, regardless of what employers may want to believe. Are you affected?

What to do when you screw up
Sooner or later everybody will screw up. Leadership coach John M. McKee says that how you react and what you do next can either derail you, or help you move up the ladder.

10 dumb things you can do to your Cisco router and how to fix them
David Davis points out the dumb things you can do to mess up your Cisco router and how to fix them. He also lists some important resources for each step to give you even more detailed instructions.

What is your best definition of a virtual machine?
Steven Warren: If you haven't participated in a group discussion, I encourage you to do so as I am very curious as to how people out in the field will define a virtual machine.

Using cryptographic hashes with Ruby
The uses of cryptographic hash functions for security capabilities in software are many and varied. Ruby provides simple and easy options for generating and comparing cryptographic hashes.

Can a small IT consultancy benefit from a Web site?
For many businesses, the Internet is the land of opportunity, but is it the right frontier for a small IT consultancy? Susan Harkins ponders whether a Web site will pay off for her business.

1950's IT without tailfins and leather jackets
Usually when talking computer classics, I stick to computers from the 70's, 80's and 90's. This video from IBM shows a state of the art accounting computer from the 1950's. See how far we've come.

Let Excel's Indirect function keep data at your fingertips
Displaying key data on a sheet at the beginning of a workbook makes it easy to get a quick snapshot of essential information. See how simple it is to put this handy trick to work.

'IT has no inherent value'
Michael Krigsman discusses a research paper that states IT offers no value apart from the business benefits it supplies. He also presents seven questions that organizations should consider to help integrate business value planning with IT.

Is Microsoft's legacy holding it back from being more innovative?
Microsoft has a huge legacy issue; even the slightest mistake in breaking backwards compatibility can make millions of people unable to work. Do you think Microsoft's legacy is holding it back from being more innovative?